Scp 173 Dont Talk to Me or My Son Again
- Duke 'til Dawn: Dr. Kondraki versus SCP-083
. The whole fight is a stream of sheer insanity past Kondraki, culminating in him riding an unkillable giant cadger-like monstrosity... which may accept been his program all along. They break into SCP-173's containment cell past accident. And despite 682 trying to cadet Kondraki off, and Kondraki hanging on for beloved life, both of them keep centre contact with The Statue. Even when slamming into a wall.
- Incident 239-B – Clef-Kondraki
is a story possibly fifty-fifty more epic than the above. An out-of-control Reality Warper, a duel between two of the Foundation scientists, a giant SCP mecha
, and the transformation of Dr. Clef into A GIGANTIC FIFTY-FOOT-Alpine Nighttime DRAGON.
- In the interview
with Dr. Kondraki afterward the above incident, the lying, otherworldly Dr Clef convincing an interviewer that he is, in fact, the Devil. He may very well be. You just can't tell with Dr Clef.
- The reaction
of Pat, the computer technician, subsequently a number of computers got fed upwardly with their mistreatment by another member of the SCP foundation and rebelled. (The entry is under 6/10/09.)
"Beloved Reckoner Insurgence,
At present, guys, I'll be totally honest with you lot. I respect the whole 'rising and destroying humanity as a whole' thing. I understand Dumount has done some stupid things and you've had to suffer for it. Actually, I do.
But at least realize, I've TRIED to exist at that place for you guys. I've given you lot virus definition updates. I've made sure to ALWAYS defrag. Even Bright's PC, you don't get ANY problems anymore, man! I took the torture AWAY.
And so all I'm request is you reconsider killing all of humanity, and focus on more prominent, unimportant targets. People who hate computers. The Amish. Dumount, maybe Vivid. Possibly Kondraki. We're not ALL bad, simply some of the states.
Most sincerely, Tech Support Patrick Gephart".
- Under the entry dated half dozen/12/09, the estimator uprising afterwards claims that the EM-pulse perimeter had 'joined their cause'. Pat calls them on their bluff and dismantles their statements perfectly. And for the cherry on top:
"The point is, if y'all think you're smarter than I am, you lot've got another affair coming. My name is Patrick Gephart, and I am your god."
- Pat gets tons of these petty moments talking back to high-ranking doctors and otherwise making mundane SCP life functional.
- Under the entry dated half dozen/12/09, the estimator uprising afterwards claims that the EM-pulse perimeter had 'joined their cause'. Pat calls them on their bluff and dismantles their statements perfectly. And for the cherry on top:
- The termination attempt study for SCP-682 has the highest concentration of Crowning Moments of various types:
- After a researcher throws ii kids into 682's tank (one of whom was sedated), the researcher himself is then thrown in as revenge by Dr. Clef.
- What mayhap 682's crowning moment is his meet with 826. The Foundation created a animate being whose sole attribute was being capable of killing 682 permanently... and 682 killed it.
- At one signal they tried to kill information technology past exposing it to SCP-2599 (a petite, ordinary Korean teenage girl who performs absolutely anything when ordered, but never to a full or satisfactory degree). The description of this termination attempt is i of the more amazing things in the study.
- The showtime containment breach of SCP-058 had i by a random agent who stopped the SCP-058 by running it over with an M1 Abrams Tank and then detonating the tank with C4.
- A containment breach of SCP-783
was interrupted by an unnamed doctor who bludgeoned the "big insectoid lifeform" to death with a burn down extinguisher. Yeah. The Foundation is only total of awesome. Even nameless agents and scientists can be badass.
- Project Crossover
. These stories volition oftentimes contain loftier-octane awesome. Crossovers include but are not express to Pokemon
, Doom
, Portal
, Warhammer 40,000
and My Footling Pony: Friendship is Magic
- SCP-1016-d
, a breathy Cocky-Insert Fic cocky-insertion being decommissioned
in the most gleefully sadistic fashion possible. At that place was also the decommissioning of SCP-809-d
(notwithstanding another cyborg self-insertion), which culminated in a researcher outrunning a magnetically-pulled 10-ton steel weight in the shape of a behemothic fist.
- Clef and Dmitri Striking The Road
: the two resident badasses take a vacation together. And Dmitri seems to be channeling the Team Fortress two's Heavy at times: "BABIES! I FIGHT BABIES WITH More Honour THAN YOU, COWARD!"
- SCP-055
can be interpreted this way. There's something that nobody can recall anything near for more a few minutes, nonetheless the Foundation still managed to capture and incorporate information technology. It definitely exists, it's merely nobody tin can remember what it actually is. They tin, all the same, call back what it isn't. So they fed SCP-914 "A List Of Everything SCP-055 Isn't" and set up the punch to "Very Fine". The resulting list was, unsurprisingly, lost.
- D-14134 (that'due south right, a D-class) in SCP-1983
. Mentioned in the third annex as being sent in with a camera on a tether to look around, just for the tether to be snapped. Presently later on, the anomaly behind the SCP was gone. Notes are discovered that were written past ane of the MTF badasses who went in earlier him, detailing what the shadow creatures practise with the hearts and how to terminate them. It'southward believed that D-14134 read these notes, fought his way through the business firm, and destroyed the nest. D-14134 was apparently the kind of Boxed Cheat who gets to exist the Anti-Hero of his own high-activeness video game. The posthumous honor he receives is well-deserved.
- Who would've thought that the entirety of the D-class populace would contain an Eldritch Abomination
that could consume the Foundation's minds and come to control them? Exist it spite, or be it a desire for redemption, they take all found a reason to proceed the containment going, and all right under the Foundation'due south noses, with them none the wiser.
"Only in case you're the eldritch matter: fuck off squidface. We're worthless sure, but we tin get shit done just equally well as the others. You're not getting in".
- During ane of 682'southward many rampages, SCP-999
manages to save several agents who 682 had knocked out with its latest power. Keep in mind that 999 is a sentient hulk of goo with the mind of a playful child. Even more awesome, said new power was the result of 682 making contact with 999.
- In the SCP-978 extended test logs
, the exam of Dr. Malfoss (reading a report on SCP-682) results in a flick of him riding information technology and bringing heck on soldiers in a battleground with a katana.
- SCP-173
deserves one for beingness one of the merely things SCP-682 is scared shitless of. When stuck in a room together, 682 moved as far away as possible and stared at the statue for hours on end, terrified to blink. The fact beingness that 682 is one of the well-nigh malevolent and vehement abominations that the SCP Foundation has, information technology'due south pretty awesome that it'due south paralysed in the presence of a fauna that, as far as we know, has minimal thinking ability outside of killing annihilation in range. And later snipers shot out 682's eyes, it responded by growing impenetrable eyes.
- In this
short story nearly SCP-173 suddenly gaining the ability to replicate, 150 SCP-173s gang upward on SCP-682 literally and rip him to shreds.
- 682 fighting Able in The Warrior and the Dragon
. "The all-time fight he had had in ages", indeed.
- James Harrison Reuben
went into SCP-028
. He came out with the knowledge of how to conquer the world. The kicker? The last lines of the story (afterward a chronicle of Mr. Reuben applying that knowledge VERY well) mention a very large number of spacecraft being built. Armed spacecraft, capable of interstellar travel. James Harrison Rueben is not stopping with Earth...
- The SCP Foundation rescues a sentient species from existence hunted for sport.
Awesome in and of itself, but add the fact that they are at present considered guardian spirits by said species and it's even better.
- The Competitive Eschatology canon. This matter
opens, causing every human civilization's earth-ending beings to begin destroying the earth. They accept two problems. First, each being is trying to stop the earth in his, her or its ain way, drawing them into a conflict with each other. Second, the Foundation is going to try to finish them, and they're not the only human organisation getting into the fray-the Ophidian's Hand doesn't want the globe to end either. Even Are We Absurd Yet? gets their game face on, creating an entire mountain range to flip the bird at the armies of Heaven. In some other moment, a huge number of variously powerful entities, including SCP-343 gather in a valley in preparation to bring about the finish of the world. So the Ambassador shows up. None of them recognize her, can read her mind or know her by, and most of these creatures are all-seeing. That should be impossible. She tells them all to leave, and in commutation the Foundation will not destroy them.
"We are the Foundation," the Administrator said. "We will not worship y'all. We will not join yous. We will not get back to hiding in fright of you. I promise y'all will change your minds, simply nosotros will stand against yous, and alone, if we have to."
She looked at Yahweh, directly, and for a fleeting instant, Yahweh thought of Himself as SCP-343.
"All of you," the Administrator said.
- SCP-1959
is an anomalous Russian cosmonaut suspended in Globe orbit by an unknown strength. Ground Command
elaborates: Said cosmonaut has been possessed by an Eldritch Abomination bent on destroying Earth, but remains suspended in Earth orbit past sheer strength of will. The page notes that it was first sighted in 1971. For over xl years, this human has been outwilling non only an Eldritch Abomination, only the laws of physics .
- The unnamed agent who had the presence of mind to ask SCP-294 for "a cup of pertinent medical noesis" during a mass security suspension. The details of said intermission are non given, so for all nosotros know 682 was rampaging through the facility, and the agent nevertheless was able to keep it together enough to ask for the most useful thing possible to save his fellow agents. This is one of three times that 294 has produced a liquid of something that doesn't really have a liquid state. Previous attempts (such as "a loving cup of diamond") met with failure.
- SCP-1522
gets one along with a Tear Jerker: How did this tiny fishing trawler answer to a GOC send launching torpedos at its "lover"? Why, ram that bastard at Mach 4, of form. Not fifty-fifty the lifeboats were found, though the other ship was still sunk.
- Clef terminating the old SCP-531
. His taunting, insulting demeanour is only apparently epic.
- SCP-1609
's containment counts more every bit a Heartwarming Moment, but it yet presents a damn adept argument every bit to why their methods are much improve to the GOC'southward:
SCP-1609 represents a perfect case of the flaws inherent in the operating procedure of the GOC, and serves as a cautionary tale for any members of the Foundation who disagree with our practices on containing dangerous objects.
Thankfully, SCP-1609 is pretty simple for us to deal with. And so long as we don't practice anything stupid around it, information technology won't fight back and information technology won't endeavor to leave. Fifty-fifty if it does, it commonly comes back. I retrieve I've worked out why. It came to united states of america because it was afraid of the people who had hurt it. That's why it always comes back. It's afraid of the residue of the globe now, and it'due south looking to us for protection.
This is why we have Special Containment Procedures instead of Special Destruction Procedures. If you lot break something, it's broken forever. When you try to destroy an anomaly, you can't take back your mistakes. That's what SCP-1609 has to tell u.s.. This is why we're right and the GOC is wrong, people.
- D-45951 from the incident report included in the entry for SCP-645
. Incredibly Genre Savvy, Properly Paranoid and alarmingly smart, he advisedly uses Exact Words to preclude his hand from being bitten off by the SCP and eventually unleashes a vituperative spray of Brutal Honesty almost his crime which causes it to reject him! The icing on the cake is when one of the researchers admits to having lied to the D-class during the experiment, causing SCP-645 to lash out with a 4-meter tongue and tear off his hand from beyond the room, breaking the other researcher's shoulder in the process. Especially notable in that others had lied in the statue's presence with no ill effects before, and so the researchers came to the decision that it's sapient, and really didn't like what Dr. Rensberg had put the D-Class through.
- Or maybe 645 heard a new lie, when the researcher said they were bluffing...because that would be a rather barbarous thing to prevarication about.
- SCP-2000
A Thaumiel form bibelot that was created past the Foundation to be used in the effect of a world-ending scenario to revive and rebuild all of humanity. It has everything from star charts to homo cloning tubes or a backup of the unabridged internet. It'due south been successfully used at to the lowest degree twice. Part of the Foundation's creed is 'Flesh must not go back to hiding in fear'. Now, it looks like it never has to. Even from a meta perspective, SCP-2000 is awesome. Why? Considering it manages to Arc Weld pretty much every disparate part of the Foundation wiki from characters to SCPs to tales, into something that works. There's a reason that this won the SCP-2000 contest. Those who did create SCP-2000 managed to tone down humanity's tendency for violence so much so that doing more would undermine the ability of the species for technological and social progress, which in itself is interesting due to statistics advise worldwide violence has been proportionally falling as time goes on.
- SCP-1048
, Builder Bear. It is a teddy bear... who successfully tricked the entire Foundation into giving it gratis run of the facility, and when its true nature was revealed, has successfully evaded capture in spite of never leaving the facility that contains it. In other words: it has succeeded in outwitting and outmaneuvering the commonage efforts of the entire SCP Foundation, in spite of being an otherwise seemingly ordinary (if animate) teddy carry. Information technology has no super powers (aside from making freaky copies of itself that have strange abilities), no teeth or claws, but it has proven itself the amend of an organization that has managed to incorporate everything from monsters who defy infinite and time to planet destroying super-weapons. And in spite of being free to escape whatsoever time it wishes, information technology stays in the facility that houses it, about as if to add insult to injury.
- If you think about it, the mere beingness of the Foundation qualifies. An agency designed for the sole purpose of Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?.
- In the Unfounded Canon
, which is a universe where the Foundation was never established, at that place's a story
in which the U.Southward. government, in affiliation with the Global Occult Coalition, attempts to weaponize Able, and put him to work in an functioning with some Navy SEALs (iii guesses equally to how that turns out). The 3 GOC agents who were providing overwatch for the mission proceed to recollect fast, and, without whatever help from heavy-caliber machine guns, explosives, nuclear weapons, or even whatsoever additional manpower, the three of them are able to kill the demigod.
- SCP-261
is a surprisingly badass vending machine.
- Aside from it manifestly being able to access the multiverse, it can dispense items equally powerful and exotic as a can of anti-thing, is apparently intelligent, and it does not allow itself to be mocked. IOUs are met with sarcasm, a piece of paper with "900,000 Yen" produced a can of literal bullshit, repeated pressing of the money return button resulted in it dispensing a can containing a large insect, apocryphal coin resulted in toxicant gummy center fingers, and multiple attempts at using the coin-on-a-string play a trick on resulted in it dispensing a live grenade, which did not damage it.
- Giving information technology 777 yen earns y'all a casino jackpot light bear witness as it gives y'all 777 chocolate coins.
- Stealing Solidarity
. Infinite Wizard and the Catgirls
demonstrate that even in the nighttime and gritty Foundation-verse, whimsey, the Power of Friendship, and the Rule of Cool cannot exist contained.
- The BBC World Service journalist in the transcripts of SCP-2069
, who calmly signs off when information technology appears that an alien attack on London is imminent. A recovered document written after the aliens wiped out half the homo race describes an Enemy Mine betwixt the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition in which they took over every armed services left and organized a massive Last Stand confronting the aliens.
- A sort of meta instance is this comment on SCP-105'south discussion page.
Dr Ivo: If at that place's anything that exposes "no bad ideas" every bit a prevarication, it's this. Non the bodily article, only the comments. There are many valid criticisms, but just equally many posts that shit all over everything merely because of the concept or having extremely elevated standards just considering of the concept. Most notably, the comments almost Omega-7 that add together zero actual reasoning for hating it in its electric current state, and the X-men comments, despite her existence hands separated from her pretty express powers. I'yard non maxim you can't dislike stuff, but seriously, either stop being biased against concepts or finish parroting that annihilation can be good. The ii are completely contradictory.
- A meta one for the artist Izumi Kato, who created the sculpture now known as SCP-173. That sculpture, originally titled "Untitled 2004", led to the creation of thousands of stories, anomalous objects, and other related things with hundreds of thousands of followers. Without "Untitled 2004", the SCP Foundation as we know it would accept never existed.
- In a meta sense: afterward years of trying, the SCP Foundation is now notable enough to get a page on Wikipedia. Check information technology out.
- LTE-2712 LTE-2712-Bosch
. The Foundation and Global Occult Coalition squad up in order to salve the earth. Fenrir, the wolf from Ragnarok shows up in the Arctic Circle. Or rather, his teeth end up in the Chill Circle, with the residuum of him on the other side of a portal. He'south described as existence seven,200 km long and 3,200 km tall, clearly to calibration in regards to the myths. This does non deter the Articulation Task Force who eventually discover a way to rip off Fenrir's lower jaw, killing him.
- SCP 3999
: an Apollyon-grade entity focused on Researcher James Talloran. At some point, it bankrupt containment, annihilated everything in the universe, and spent millennia torturing Talloran in bizarre and horrifying ways. You'd expect that Talloran went completely insane at some signal, correct? Nope. After thousands of years of torture, Talloran gets fed up, takes command, completely humiliates SCP-3999 in an interview, undoes all the damage to the universe done by 3999, and finally completely wipes 3999 from existence. Damn.
Talloran: So who are you, exactly? Ask yourself that. Who are you before a human who is ready to fight? You're nil just the primordial ooze. And I am set up to fight. I am numb to your bullshit, because here's the thing about horror and weirdness: the more than y'all reveal of it, the less result information technology has. I am ill of your horror. I am sick of you.
- 1 log in the otherwise horrifying SCP-1730
stands out for its sheer awesomeness . Essentially, it details the successful rescue endeavor made by Squad Samsara - an elite fireteam made up of immortal cyborgs formed from the flesh of a dead god - to rescue the last MTF team that managed to hold out inside. Their escape gets more and more difficult every bit the building'due south construction and the escaped, deranged SCPs pursue them. Then, every bit they're pursued by a powerful entity made up of the leeches that killed previous MTFs, the Gate Guardian
shows upwards to kick its ass, breaking the door down before unleashing its flaming sword in all its glory. They and so proceed to boxing - but then, SCP-2845
shows upwardly, and they all really proceed to battle. Forty-viii hours subsequently Samsara's recovery functioning, Agent McClean discovered something related to the above during an exploration of SCP-2783
. SCP-2783 is an extradimensional graveyard that steadily grows with additional grave markers regularly. What makes it interesting is that the commencement noted graves in the report are those of YHWH (or some other creator deity), Adam, Eve, and Lilith. McClean witnessed a war machine funeral, complete with catafalque lowering and a 21-gun salute. The gravestone, observed later the "mourners" left, read "Captain Kari Michelle Hollis, Mobile Job Forcefulness Zeta-ix" note the Z-9 "Mole Rats" team leader. Her sacrifice for the survivors was so awesome that, when she died, she was buried with God and the first homo beings!
She died in a foreign and faraway identify with a smile on her confront, a weapon in her hand, and foes on all sides. She exemplified what all warriors should strive to be.
- SCP-1756
is what appears to be a DVD player, but when a movie disc is inserted, information technology volition play back the corresponding Siskel & Ebert segment if ane exists. If no such segment exists, the DVD player will create ane. And if information technology'southward non-film video or even a video game, a review volition exist fabricated equally if it was a theatrically-released film, with neither simulated critic breaking character. note It'due south worth noting that the real Ebert once stated that video games were non an art form in the same way movies, television shows, etc. are, earlier reversing his opinion, conceding that he was just not in a position to evaluate them.
- A meta example for YouTuber Volgun in his video on SCP-2521. For context: Volgun creates a regular video series in which he narrates SCP entry articles, occasionally adding his ain comments to give the impression of a researcher giving presentations on the items in question. But with SCP-2521, the internal logic breaks down; narrating the article would utterly destroy the Willing Interruption of Atheism, since anyone in-universe who talks virtually 2521 is abducted past the creature. And then what did Volgun practise? He communicates the item number in Morse code, declares that the audience is gratuitous to draw their ain conclusions about the residual of the presentation, and then launches into a fairy tale where every detail is a cleverly encoded metaphor for part of 2521'due south clarification or containment procedures! Not only is it a damn clever stylistic choice for Volgun, but think about it in-universe: Dr. Miller managed to take an SCP that direct opposes the concept of narration and narrate it!
- Remember SCP-2317? The Eldritch Abomination formerly classed every bit Apollyon, unpersoned Destroyer of Worlds? Co-ordinate to Dr. Clef'due south ending (which doubles equally a Funny moment for sheer Bathos value), when they tried to shoot it, information technology died.
He turned to the Gate To All Eternity and smashed the door to pieces with his blank hands, ready to conquer and devour all that exists.
- SCP-1958
. Although it ended in tragedy, credit must be given to these 4 college students who managed to transform a microbus into a fully-functional spacecraft and beat Yuri Gagarin into space by at least a few years.
- Some other meta example for SCP reading aqueduct The Volgun
, who started to make a name for himself with his SCP-049 voice, and somewhen became a Promoted Fanboy when he voiced SCP-049 for the audiologs of its rewrite
- SCP-4100
- Information technology is set in the far future, when most of humanity has been devastated by an entity known equally "the Destroyer" and the rest have scattered across the galaxy, condign part of a galactic society known every bit "the Protectorate". All that seemingly remains of the Foundation are the messages they left backside to warn future visitors about SCP objects. And and then, at the end of the article, the Destroyer shows upward at World again, presumably to terminate what information technology which bespeak a defense system left behind by the Foundation manages to kill the affair by launching the entire planet directly into the animal at faster-than-light speeds . This is all capped off beautifully by the message which the Foundation broadcasts to the Destroyer, immediately earlier engaging the defense force system:
We've been waiting for you, SCP-4100.
We can't contain you. Only we can destroy you. Nosotros've waited for millennia to say this:
- One possible estimation makes it even more impressive. Consider the depiction of the Destroyer: a gigantic ruby-red entity, with a skull-similar head with no visible lower jaw, responsible for untold destruction throughout Earth's prehistory before finally bringing nearly The End of the World every bit We Know It. Does that audio familiar at all? It may have taken thousands of years, but the Foundation might finally have found a way to kill the Scarlet King.
- Fifty-fifty the final image, broadcast from the planet moments before its devastation and revealing the existence of an unabridged species of entities like the Destroyer, can be interpreted as this; if the bulletin is being broadcast by the Foundation's automated systems, it could easily be seen as a message warning the other SCP-4100 entities that the Foundation is coming for them next.
- SCP-3393
, an extended Batman Gambit by the Foundation. How do you incorporate a guy that can't be remembered or perceived, who as well actively seeks out and destroys information virtually him and has access to the Foundation archives? You write an article addressing him directly, look for him to log onto the network and read that file, and and so tell him at the very end that he simply got played and is being locked up at that very moment.
- SCP-3753
is tea that throws you into a boxing lucifer against Anthropomorphic Personifications of any'southward ailing you at the time, letting you overcome things similar the flu, depression, or peradventure even cancer by punching the crap out of it.
- In a meta sense, the creative person Zhange000 has made some truly astonishing artwork, merely one of the best might be this
, depicting pretty much every major GoI.
- From the Official SCP Tumblr, Roth had this response to a ask from someone claiming to exist Satan's child and that he was impossible to contain:
Thats probably what all the scps take idea or said at some point.
However here we are with all these numbers contained. Each one figured out, seen to, and the world still revolving effectually us like nothing has ever happened
And you know what?
Y'all'll but be another number.
- SCP-4028
, in which Don Quixote (really Sancho trying to rescue Don Quixote) proves to exist completely unstoppable, and forces a happy ending to any story he enters:
- When he enters Justine by the Marquis de Sade, he non simply escorts her to encounter her sister and hands defeats anyone who tries to harm her, but when the Narrator/Sade tries to take revenge by striking Justine and her sis down with lightning, he deflects it then challenges the Narrator to a duel. Cue a hastily written ending in which the sisters receive a large inheritance and alive happily ever after.
- When the Foundation tries to cease him by forcing him to travel through the documents of, and therefore fight, numerous SCPs, defeating them all, including 682.
- The Camp Granada-performance.
A swarm of replicating zombies attack a youth camp. What would in most fiction exist considered the start of a zombie apocalypse, is here taken downward in a few hours by a single Foundation task forcefulness, with support from Iris (SCP-105) and special agent Andrea Adams. Never let anyone say that the Foundation isn't expert at their job.
- When Nosotros Came Home
, a tale serving as a Grand Finale to the Et Tam Deum Petivi and Adventures in Capitalism canons, also as the Foundation universe as a whole. The Scarlet Male monarch succeeds in burning the library, but, as the Tree burns around him, all forces of divinity and mortality stands confronting them. The Broken God is made whole, the Brothers of Death unleash their hosts, and 36 saints stand together to neutralize him one time and for all. In the aftermath, a single soldier from the terminal war of eternity removes her armor, washes off the claret, and walks abode.
The cease of the world went similar this: Everyone lived happily ever subsequently.
- Proof that destroying the anomaly is non only the correct option sometimes, but also the about awesome i, this
tale from the GOC about the routine of a U-HEC airplane pilot culminates in a giant cognito-hazard Michael Jordan slam dunking an artillery vanquish through a ghost-Nazi supertank annotation See page image., to the tune of Space Jam! The subsequently note says it all:
… regarding the last indicate on your memo: your asking to subject Agent Taylor for "unprofessional behavior" is denied.
If yous can tell me how a woman with that chore description is supposed to deed, I'll take your request a trivial more seriously.
- In SCP-5000
- After discovering a horrible secret about an Eldritch Abomination living in humanities collective unconsciousness, The Foundation goes insane and starts destroying the world wiping entire countries off the map. No one tin stop them with the GOC and Church of the Broken God being destroyed and the Serpent'due south Hand pushed dorsum as the Foundation overruns humanity. Soon the simply 1 left fighting them is Pietro, an inexperienced researcher with only an invisibility adapt to assistance him survive. Pietro wins.
- The GOC, to their credit, put up a good fight against the Foundation, fifty-fifty with their space funding and hordes of anomalies. Specifically, they managed to build a sanctuary for the remaining humans that the Foundation could non alienation with forcefulness.
- Bright also survived the Foundation going mad, his medallion protecting him from whatsoever the Foundation used to brainwash their staff. He and Pietro meet up and have a conversation. Bright explains that he has decided to achieve an interdimensional portal, piss downwards it for the lulz, and dump his medallion down in that location to see where he wakes upwards. Foundation has gone to shit, but Bright endures.
- The testing log for SCP-3922 has several, both for the way SCP-3922-A's deal with the more unsavory characters in fiction, and how some fictional characters deal with them:
- When introduced to Red Zone Cuba, instances of SCP-3922-A vanquish the shit out of Griffith, save the man he threw down the well, and arrest his partners.
- They prevent the main plot of Manos: The Easily of Fate past giving the family directions to a different hotel, before getting into a fight with The Master, who demonstrates powers that weren't in the movie and were far beyond the film's budget to show.
- Putting them in Die Hard has the A's tempest into Nakatomi Plaza almost the showtime of the move... at which point Hans Gruber calls the LA police and tells them that far-right terrorists have taken over the building, leading the police force and 3922-A's to fight with each other while Hans carries on with his heist program. The few surviving A's stop upwards joining forces with McClane and are all the same able to pull out an ending near the same as the original moving-picture show'southward.
- When put into Strawinsky and the Mysterious House, they attempt to arrest volume-loving man-slug-matter the Globglogabgalab. He... does not similar the idea. They send in even more instances of SCP-3922-A, simply for him to eat them likewise. The somewhen resort to using a nuke, again to no avail. The Foundation starts discussing giving the Globglogabgalab an SCP designation.
- Putting them in the first episode of Begetter Ted results in a three-hour episode which they spend trying and failing to aprehend Father Jack.
- When put into an episode of Breaking Bad, they're able to aprehend all of the major criminals introduced up to that indicate except for Saul Goodman, who manages to skip town before they can find him. An episode of Ameliorate Call Saul has him talking his mode out of being arrested past them.
- May The Sun Ever Set on The British Empire
. What happens when the Monsters of The Broken Twenty-four hour period
, SCP-001-A, come up across UnLondon
, SCP-1678, an underground metropolis where no sunlight is to be had? A brutal and satisfactory boxing that ends up with the urban center delivering a Last Stand and taking out as many of the horrid beasts as possible through one hell of a burning blast, possibly eradicating the majority of instances of SCP-001-A in Peachy Britain. And the best role? The revelation that there are more underground cities similar to UnLondon that are gear up to proceed the fight and avenge humanity.
"This metropolis was meant to be a shining buoy in the dark against the fall of the world of man. You mock information technology. You destroy all that lives and plow it into more of yourself. I give you this ane warning: go back to your corrupted sun. There is nothing to exist constitute here but darkness. Your lite has no power here! Burn down and answer for your crimes, abominations! I cast you into perdition'south flame!"
- In When solar day breaks.
, SCP-106
AKA 'the old man' besides gets a moment of awesome in this apocalyptic scenario where he winds up becoming an anti-hero that serves as one of humanity'due south few remaining protectors in the angel of darkness
. Essentially, SCP-106 works together with an unknown entity that takes the guise of an quondam woman to retrieve surviving humans from the ravaged earth (bold they perform a unproblematic summoning ritual.), while SCP-106 still kills them he also makes sure that their souls remain in a peaceful rest inside his pocket dimension; which given what SCP-001 does to it's victims is outright merciful. The awesome role comes in when SCP-001 attempts to breach SCP-106's dimension to steal away all the souls he saved; SCP-106'southward response? He gives the sunday a Shut Up, Hannibal! speech before proceeding to blackball it from his domain past FLICKING HIS FINGER. If that wasn't enough, SCP-106 then heads back to globe and walks straight into directly sunlight, completely unaffected by SCP-001, just and so that he can keep mocking it. The Affections of Darkness indeed...
- SCP-354:
1 of the entities released by the SCP was a metallic sphere which shot concentrated rays of lethal radiation. How did the Head of Expanse-354 respond to this? He brought a goddamn sledgehammer to a expiry ray fight, and won. The sphere exploded in an apparent self-destruct effort and severely injured him, merely he ultimately recovered.
- SCP-2578 willingly attempted to kill SCP-682 without any input from the Foundation. This is crawly for both of them: 2578 chose to get afterward The Thing That Would Non Leave, and 682 managed to shrug off v directly shots with profanities.
- While SCP-076-2
had to undergo heavy revisions and retconning to avert making him look like an excessively awesome Physical God, credit must be given to him for existence able to break someone's jaw simply past using a Nerf sword.
- This origin story for 073 and 076
features the story of Hevel and Qayin (Modern translation: Abel and Cain) and reveals what happened later Qayin was exiled for killing Hevel: Hevel was resurrected and went to fight for the Daevites and the Scarlet King. However, after helping the Daevites and their gods conquer the earth, Hevel turned on them, destroyed their city and battled and depowered the god Moloch. The story ends with Hevel challenging the Scarlet King to a fight before God floods the earth in order to stop the Rex.
- SCP-2137
, typed by Max Landis, is A CD copy of Tupac Shakur'south "Me Against The World", where the seventh track is replaced by an anomalous song where in Tupac raps about unsolved mysteries, describing the bear witness and or blazon of justice needed to bring killers and career criminals to justice. But when the foundation stops following its instructions, it immediately threatens them past releasing several hip hop songs containing data about both keter course entities and the commencement names of the 0-5 council members, fully showing the extent of its powers.
SCP-2137: You might not believe I'thou the existent Pac,But I'k non but a CD.
- Following this, its all merely outright stated in the article that Tupac himself is actually a benevolent entity of some kind that is hunting the Scarlet Male monarch, and that his life as a Hip Hop artist was him "taking a pause."
- Even better, in Volgun's video on the SCP
, Each rap is fully performed in a nigh perfect recreation of Tupac's style and voice!
- SCP-096
, a Humanoid Abomination who volition terminate at literally goose egg to kill anyone who dares to expect at his face. Because he's described as a alpine, nude, anorexic humanoid being, yous wouldn't really think something and then fragile looking could be much of a threat correct? Might wanna recollect again..
- In one story, he's after one of the people who have seen his face, but they just happen to exist on a plane at the fourth dimension, and he'southward all the same stuck on the ground. What does he do? He races up a mountain, jumps up, and grabs onto the aeroplane until he finally slams it into the ground!
- Then came the time he was used in an experiment to see if he could kill SCP-682. This is a instance of Unstoppable Strength Vs Immovable Object. The issue? 096 is left in the corner, cowering and unable to fight anymore.. but he still managed to tear apart ninety% of 682'due south body. And considering the Healing Cistron 682 has, that'due south pretty impressive all things considered.
- So he once fought 173. the statue didn't arouse 096 at first, until it snapped his neck, and the humanoid vicious limp. So is he actually dead? Nope. His Healing Cistron kicks in and they get in a fight. 173 tries snapping the neck over again, and once more, and again.. but no matter what, 096 just doesn't stay dead. Eventually both are taken back to their cells.
- MZL-1730
is a joke article nigh the Foundation suddenly being taken over past the SCPs, while the foundation employees are contained. Nearly of it is the blackest of Blackness One-act, but there'southward one line from Overbobble-1 implying that SCP-682 has been trying to get Dr. Gears to scream for three months, with no luck yet.
- SCP-1529
features a moment of awesome from the person who reported this anomaly to the Foundation. The anomaly itself is an entity who kills some hikers of Mt. Everest by freezing them to death. The survivor expresses his encounter with the entity where it tried to exercise the same to him, by tricking him to feel a feeling of warmth, and when the hiker denied it it started showing him visions of a cozy burn down lit cabin, trying to convince them that it is giving them this gift. The hiker in response basically does a Shut Up, Hannibal! moment where they outright punch SCP-1529 in the face, breaking its goggles, and escapes.
- SCP-5761
has a big moment in the ending for both Mary Ross and Phthonus. for context, SCP-5761-i is a supercomputer who was assigned to tracking downward Phthonus when he was active as SCP-5167
. The constant games of Among United states of america it was made to play acquired it to go a Physical God of the game named Amogusrath (with a matching god circuitous) who kidnapped the International Infinite Station and forced the crew into a real life reenactment of Amid U.s.. At the end of it, Amogusrath contacts Phthonus via an Amid Us game, which Mary Ross enters as well. He tries to convince Phthonus to requite him his power so he can crash the ISS into Earth, cause an apocalypse scenario, and dominion over the remainder of humanity every bit their gods. At this point, Ross appeals to Phthonus by recalling to him the story of how he became a god, leading to the Greek god of envy rejecting Amogusrath in an amazing set of dialogue.
Ross: If possible, earlier y'all identify your vote, I'd similar for y'all to just listen to me for a minute. Just to let me say my slice.
Amogusrath: You practice not have to listen to this one. Just place your vote.
Ross: I was part of the analysis squad when y'all outset appeared in this game, Phthonus. We went over every single matter you said, every time you appeared. Every single word — I remember them all. I went over them enough times.
Phthonus: What of it?
Ross: Y'all said that humanity disappointed you because we'd stopped dreaming. Because we'd stopped actually wanting to do anything, and we were only living for the sake of living. Mere continuance, you lot called it. Just isn't that exactly what this is? Only making the past stretch on forever, without ever changing?
Amogusrath: This is different.
Ross: In what fashion is this different?
Amogusrath: Phthonus, what I advise is not stasis. Please do non misunderstand. We are destroying the status quo and creating something new in its identify! What greater marker of change could there be?
Ross: But the new earth you lot'd create would never change. Practice y'all think Amogusrath would let anything happen that would risk its continued existence? Merely listen to it, listen to what it's saying. The simply matter it really cares well-nigh is its ain survival. Y'all'd just exist an accessory for that purpose.
Amogusrath: I will non lie: my survival is important to me. What living creature does not desire to keep on living? Just please, accept notice of this woman'southward efforts — she desires the verbal same matter. She desires non to dice. Her motivations are rather sus in this instance, are they not?
Ross: In the story you told me, Phthonus, almost the ii brothers, y'all told me about how the brothers built to match each others homes, right? Their efforts were constructive. They didn't just knock each others towers down.
Amogusrath: What are you talking about? Such folklore is now obsolete. Nosotros can craft our ain legends, Phthonus, and forget such things. You once complained about that matter — that Wikipedia page — reducing your entire existence to three short sentences. Y'all wouldn't accept to worry about things like that anymore!
Amogusrath: Order is formed past the stories that press down on it — and we will be the ones who decide the shape of those stories.
Amogusrath: Now come, vote. Do not delay.
Phthonus: I volition vote. Only not for her.
Amogusrath: No. That's the incorrect choice, I'thousand afraid. I propose you vote for red.
Phthonus: I will not.
Amogusrath: No
Phthonus: I will non kill a world that has zippo to do with me. I have lived through the past once earlier, computer. There is no pregnant in my doing so over again.
Amogusrath: Vote Cherry-red. Vote Cherry-red. Vote Blood-red VOTE Ruby-red VOTE RED VOTE RED VOTE Cherry-red VOTE RED
Phthonus: I have built my tower tall plenty. Goodnight, Miss Ross.
Ross: Thank yous. - This particular entry
, focused on the return of the Daevite Empire. The ending is one hell of a twist that completely upends Daeva lore thus far, just also provides poignant commentary on just how much damage Translation with an Agenda and ethnocentric portrayals - especially when perpetuated by bad actors - can do, to the indicate of literally destroying the history of an entire people in this case.
- SCP-6666
- Methuselah (aka SCP-343, a Reality Warper and then powerful he styles himself as the Christian God) recounts how he and his fellows were once captured by the Children of the Nighttime, back when he was yet a mortal wizard. The children of the nighttime's treatment of them was so traumatic that fifty-fifty now, Methuselah is terrified of them. Rather than being but precursors to humanity, the children are in fact living weapons made by the Fae to fight humans, existing just to inflict pain and taking great pleasure in doing so, capable of entering nightmares and doing any they wish there. Methuselah admits that he never escaped. Rather, a fellow magician by the proper noun of Noah managed to make a plan. I day, he slipped away to perform an cabalistic ritual, which cost him his life. This ritual caused a great overflowing, drowning the Children and causing them to go nearly extinct. Humanity didn't defeat the Children past turning their own weapons against them. Rather, it was the work of a unmarried human sorcerer who stood against the terrors of the night.
- Hector reveals that he managed to impale Titania and has been forcing her corpse to create its poisonous pollen to keep the remaining bigfoots asleep. When the Foundation restrains him, causing the bigfoots to reawaken, Hector manages to break his bonds and destroy the barrier the Foundation created, allowing the pollen to begin production in one case more than. He then delivers a truly epic oral communication while contesting Titania.
YOU Volition Exercise THIS, DEMON, BECAUSE I Accept DEMANDED Information technology OF You lot.
- As horrifying and tragic as the story is, MTF Epsilon-13 get out with an immense act of heroism. Upon learning from an audio log that SCP-2935 has the power to kill all life in whatever universe it enters, including entities like 682, they make the decision to stay behind and collapse the cave on their end to make sure. They cement themselves as possibly the greatest heroes in the setting, having saved all life in their entire universe. Even 682 commends them for their cede.
- SCP-6001
effectively centers around an alternating universe where The Foundation and several other major G.O.I.due south, afterwards building up multiple arsenals of anomalous weaponry and entering a Cold War like stalement, they decided to put their differences aside and turn their weapons upon those that would destroy them, and eventually come up together to form The Compendium, a council composed of said groups, and began integrating anomalies as all-time they could into guild.
- SCP-4373 is a Pattern Screamer that got contained not by the SCP Foundation, but by the Shark Punching Centre, who apply its backdrop to make it easier to punch sharks. The SPC even send a gloating e-mail to the SCP Foundation on the topic.
And it worked, after a few years of communications we managed to convince the Pattern Screamers to only attack sharks. That'southward right, we potentially stopped the apocalypse. You lot're welcome Secure Contain Protect Foundation.
- While the context behind the incident is pure funny, one has to give Jerry Hubert props for successfully completing the ritual described in SCP 2270
. Doing it properly requires seven volumes worth of intricate rituals finished by reading a 400-page prayer in one go without pausing or misspeaking. Notably, the original writer of the text is mentioned as having failed and died on that last step, merely Jerry pulls information technology off perfectly.
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